Friday, August 14, 2009

Kathleen Hill Dolls


  1. Good Evening, Sheila
    ..I feel very fortunate to find another
    doll collector that shares some of the
    same interests as me. I also have a lot
    of Kathleen Hill dolls and my latest addition
    is Murganah, the arabian doll. In my total
    collection I'll say I have about 300 dolls.
    I collect dolls of all nationalities and I
    consider them all my children. My favorites
    are my Rustie and Donna Rubert dolls, especially the Showstoppers that can command
    a whole wall area. My dream is to one day be
    able to attend the annual doll convention in
    New York and visit Florida, because their are
    a lot of doll artists and manufacturing companies down there. Just thought I compare
    notes with you.

  2. Sandy, thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment! I have to agree with you, Kathleen Hill's dolls are indeed very beautiful. I don't have anywhere near as many dolls as you do, but I too love to collect dolls of all nationalities. Do you have a blog with any photos of your dolls? I'd love to see pictures of your collection.

  3. ey likes ze dolla jeanny.mude of purbest ceramic porcelain;thumb is so lifes likeness goode story telling yeh.
